How can we help you today?
Find out why no weight-loss programs have worked.
The Food ARC is an entirely new approach to diet-related diseases and weight loss.
Get help with control over food and health from live trained Advocates today.
Get the security of being among people who understand what you're going through
The quiz shows you if recovery from processed food addiction could be a new answer to gaining control over food.
The Quiz can open the door to freedom.
Because weight-loss and eating-disorder approaches have not worked. The ARC is based on recovery from processed foods.
Because the ARC is easy to access. If you can watch TV, you can succeed in the ARC.
Because it is affordable. Only $59 per month.
Because it doesn't require extra time. Just listen in the background as you go about your day.
Because it is led by Dr. Joan Ifland who is the lead author/editor of the Processed Food Addiction textbook. It is science-based.
Because live group support is available over zoom by trained advocates 15-17 hours per day around the world.
Because the ARC teaches 150 skills to manage cues and stress. Food is only 20% of getting control over your health.
I was hesitant to join the ARC because I had 'failed' in so many other programs. Now I know that it was not my fault. Even though it was hard to admit that I had an addiction, I finally got the right program. Now I'm free from cravings and all the other pain that processed foods cause.
- JM New York
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