Food Addiction Recovery Advocate Training (FARA)

Strengthen your own recovery while helping others.

Have you had an unpleasant experience in weight-loss and eating disorder programs? Have you joined a weight program and felt worse afterward? 

This is because it is uncommon for programs to recognize that disordered eating is a severe addiction

Research shows that recovery from addictions takes place in communities run by gentle peer advocates

Food Addiction Recovery Advocate Training (FARA)

FREE Information Session

Please register for the two workshops to find out more about our FARA  Training and learn more about exciting new scholarship opportunities.

I will not let you fail. I will be right there with you.

-Joan Ifland, PhD, MBA, FACN, CEO 


What will you learn at the FREE Information Session?

Why Become a FARA Trainee?

People are suffering as the right recovery is hard to find. People with food addiction desperately need skilled peer support advocates like you. 

Is my current job making my health better or worse? What to do about triggering workplaces.

Does workplace stress and food-pushing make me lose control over food? What financially and emotionally could I achieve from working as a  Food Addiction Recovery Advocate and in a recovery environment?

How does FARA training work?

You deserve a training environment where you can learn easily at your own pace, that's fun and collegial. Work directly with Dr. Joan Ifland, who will make sure that you succeed.  

The Quality of Your Life

How do I see my next steps? I deserve a fulfilling job, earning an income by doing meaningful work in a safe environment.  


The next FREE Information Sessions take place on:


Mon, Oct 7th, 2024 at 7p EST US
Mon, Oct 21st, 2024 at 7p EST US


Sign up to join
the FARA training FREE Information Session & learn more about exciting new scholarship opportunities


50% Complete

Two Step

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