Learn the Truth in the

Remission Optimistic Community (ROC)
FREE Information Sessions

    Easily learn about and apply:

    The scientific evidence
    for recovery
    outside the limits of
    traditional approaches

    The personal experiences
    of people who have recovered from
    ‘incurable’ conditions

Remission Optimistic Community (ROC) 

FREE Information Session:



Tuesday, Oct 15th @ 11 am EDT

Tuesday, Oct 15th @ 7 pm EDT

Monday, Oct 28th @ 11 am EDT

Monday, Oct 28th @ 7 pm EDT

Questions? [email protected]

Sign up for a
FREE Information

Learn how to develop
your own remission experience.

Join the Remission Optimistic Community!*

*requires a monthly ARC membership of only $59/month

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Click this link to add the Remission Optimistic Community


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Two Step

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