What is the role?

The Food Addiction Recovery Advocate (FARA) (formally ARC Manager) role:

How it Works

ARCs work by specifically blocking processed food addiction as fostered by addiction marketing scientists at the processed food industry. The ARC works to block out an addiction technique known as “Surround Marketing.’  Surround marketing is effective because it uses Pavlovian conditioning of reward, stress and survival neurons in the brains of consumers to create intense cravings and drive compulsive eating. At the same time, Surround Marketing diverts blood flow to the reward and stress neurons and away from thinking neurons.  Surround Marketing also ‘kidnaps’ mirror neurons so we’re helplessly copying people in commercials for processed foods.

ARCs are designed to block out Surround Marketing with a matching high level of Surround Recovery Messaging.  ARCs' online resources are available 24 hours per day, 365 days per year just as food advertising is. The ARC provides both live programming with video chats and conference calls, as well as ever-present recovery programming in Facebook Groups, by email, and at our website resource center at www.foodaddictionreset.com.

FARAs partner with the Central ARC to personalize ARC Members’ experiences.  Each FARA chooses an area that they’re especially interested in supporting.  These areas could be a demographic such as an age group, profession, or geographical location. Or, the focus could be on overcoming a particular condition such as diabetes, depression, or fatigue.

Central ARC makes it easy for each FARA to successfully support their Members.  We take care of all administrative requirements. While Advocates are specializing and connecting with their Members, Central ARC provides a complete program of support to Advcates: 

On a daily basis Central ARC provides your ARC Members with easy-access recovery messaging:

  • Perseverance Hour video chat
  •  Intention Hour video chat
  •  Mindset Chat video hour
  •  Resilience Hour Video Chat
  •  Conference Call Dial-in Hour
  • 10 more zoom hours of support
  •  Podcast replay of conference call
  •  Newsletter
  •  A library of new webinars and workshops
  •  A bank of ARC hosts to cover sickness, vacation, etc.
  •  Website resources at www.foodaddictionreset.com
  • Handouts at www.foodaddictionresources.com 


Central ARC Provides Effective Marketing

The FARA is fully supported by respectful and effective marketing programs. We excel at filling up ARCs. We will be filling your ARC using tested marketing approaches including:

  1. Specialized workshops showing new science that we invite prospects to. We  build new slides and rehearse presentations for your audiences.  Dr. Ifland is the leading expert in the field. 
  2.  We draw from the constantly growing (22,000+ at last count) -member Facebook group, Food Addiction Education. Get your message in front of the thousands who need it.
  3. Reach out into specialist communities for prospects. We are trained in how to listen to your special markets and talk to those who suffer in a way that shows that we understand them.  We are building trust respectfully. 
  4. We are trained in how to connect, build trust, and establish relationships with potential ARC Members. Our prospects ask us to send ARC marketing materials to them.
  5. Access to 22,000+-member email list. We are promoting ARCs to the people who need them. 
  6. All the structure for the ARC websites including text and pictures. It will be modeled on www.foodaddictionreset.com.


Joan has the marketing dialed in. I've been in awe of the marketing machine built around getting people into the ARC. There is massive support to help each FARA fill their ARCs. – Holly Levine


Central ARC frees FARAs from administration. We take care of...

  • Collection of ARC subscription fees
  •  Membership status
  •  Weekly FARA meetings

Each FARA…

  •  Identifies their own focus group. Possibly based on a disease, i.e. diabetes, depression, stroke, anxiety, or a group such as parents of young children, therapists, counselors or veterans. (Or you can help run one of the basic ARCs.)
  •   Follows up consciously and consistently with Members of their ARC.  Keeps their ARC Membership as full as possible.
  •  Gradually builds up to hosting a one-hour chat or Study Group up to 8 times per week.
  •  Maintains an encouraging informational conversation with individual members over email or Private Messenger. (Text is also possible.)
  • Contributes twice daily posts for the Private ARC Facebook group and the Food Addiction Education FB Group.
  • Works consciously and consistently to retain ARC Members through Private Messenger Groups.


It's exciting to watch your ARC come together while creating an income for you. Each month, as you attract and retain ARC Members, you see your income rise. Here's how that happens.

  • As you attract Members with our advertising and social media support, you build a Pod of 12 Members.  You receive 70% of each Member's monthly fee of $59 or $41.30 per Member. This is almost $500 per month, You may lose a few Members however, you can add more Pods on your schedule. 
  • 30% of revenues pay Central ARC for, advertising, social media, overhead, and services
  • Your earnings are deposited directly into your bank account monthly.
  • We're doing the marketing and administration so you're purely helping others.

50% Complete

Two Step

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