Find out why your clients cannot stop eating.
Learn what to say to clients who cannot follow a food plan.
The day I learned I had an addiction was the first day of freedom from overeating.
Christina, ARC Member
Clients and patient who cannot follow a food plan carry crippling guilt and shame. They blame themselves for being unable to resist unhealthy processed foods.
The pain of self-blame drives the next lapse and the shame deepens into self-stigmatization which can lead to eating disorders.
Stop this downward spiral by being able to explain to patients that their overeating is following the pattern of an addiction. As such, it needs a different course of recovery than has been typically used in weight-loss approaches.
Most Importantly, learn the four categories of evidence that will persuade clients to undertake the addiction recovery approach and abandon ineffective weight-loss approaches.
I. Addiction Manifestations in the Individual. Learn about the four similarities between brain function in overeaters and in drug-addicted clients. See how closely the behaviors of overeaters conforms to the DSM 5 Diagnostic Criteria for alcoholism.
II. Family System Patterns. See that overeating follows the patterns of drug addiction in inherited patterns, Adverse Childhood Experiences, and a fetal syndrome.
III. Review the evidence that processed foods affect the brain and body like addictive substances do. Find out about the psychoactive characteristics of processed foods. Review the evidence that processed foods are used interchangeably with addictive substances. See that abstinence protocols are effective in both processed food use and drug use.
IV. Macro factors. IEpidemiological patterns, business practices, cost to society and government policies are similar in both processed foods and in addictive drugs.
V. Be a winner in the shift from 'eating less' to recovery from food addiction. Learn specific things to stop saying to patients and clients. Use knowledge of processed food addiction to bring relief from guilt to clients who have struggled for decades.
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With the advent of brain imagining technology, researchers noticed almost immediately that the brains of overeaters showed altered function similar to that of drug-addicted clients. Reward centers and stress pathways are hyperactive, while cognitive pathways int he frontal lobe were inactive.
This explains why food-addicted clients are unable to think clearly and make good food choices.
Learn how to tell clients that their inability to follow a food plan for the long term is not their fault. Convincingly help them move away from weight-loss approaches the inevitably lead to weight gain and return of diet-related diseases.
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Frascella, J., Potenza, M. N., Brown, L. L., & Childress, A. R. (2010). Shared brain vulnerabilities open the way for nonsubstance addictions: carving addiction at a new joint? Ann N Y Acad Sci, 1187, 294-315. doi:NYAS5420 [pii]
Ifland, J., & Peeke, P. (2018). The Overlap between Drug and Processed Food Addiction. In J. Ifland, M. T. Marcus, & H. G. Preuss (Eds.), Processed Food Addiction: Foundations, Assessment, and Recovery (Vol. Kindle). Boca Ratan, FL: CRC Press.
Noori, H. R., Cosa Linan, A., & Spanagel, R. (2016). Largely overlapping neuronal substrates of reactivity to drug, gambling, food and sexual cues: A comprehensive meta-analysis. Eur Neuropsychopharmacol, 26(9), 1419-1430.
Stice, E., & Yokum, S. (2016). Neural vulnerability factors that increase risk for future weight gain. Psychol Bull, 142(5), 447-471
Volkow, N. D., Wang, G. J., Fowler, J. S., & Telang, F. (2008). Overlapping neuronal circuits in addiction and obesity: evidence of systems pathology. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci, 363(1507), 3191-3200.
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