Meet the Concierges of the
Addiction Reset Community (ARC)
*FARA Food Addiction Recovery Advocate

Holly Levine

Director of FARA, FARA* Certified, Sr. ARC Manager



What I love about the ARC is the relief it gives Members. The relief from suffering, pain, and guilt is so uplifting. Training in the skills needed to reduce suffering is empowering. In our hour together, we will create new knowledge and a path forward for you based on the science of processed food addiction.


Lauren Aaliyah Kolia

FARA* Certified, Sr. ARC Manager, Specialized-Nutrition Coach and NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) Practitioner


 In her training courses and private consultations, Lauren draws on her extensive training and expertise in these fields, combined with her triumphs over personal life challenges, to help her clients achieve their wellness goals.  She is based in Durban, South Africa.

Judit Farkas, BA

ARC Manager, Certified Financial and Health Coach



The ARC's live programming helps members connect and learn about the science and tools for recovery. Regularly attending a concierge service helps you to learn, practice and put those tools into action with a personalized strategy based on where you are right now. If you feel stuck with your recovery or with following a keto or carnivore diet, don’t know how to start or need someone who keeps you accountable with more than 10 years of experience, I am happy to be of service. I also offer financial coaching. 

Click Here
to Watch Holly's Video

Click Here
to Watch Lauren's Video

Click Here
to Watch Judit's Video

Liette Leduc




Believing I was healthy, I never thought about how consuming fast foods on the run could impact my health. After all, I felt healthy.
That is, until one evening in 2012, I overdid it, and my health took a landslide the following day. I woke up in the middle of the night and was violently ill. I had so much pain that I couldn't even lie down on my back. My body had literally shut down.

For 3 months, the only foods I could tolerate were raw vegetables and fruits. All other foods triggered pain and nausea. I had test after test, but all came back negative.

Taking matters into my own hands, I began researching online for dietary options – vegan, raw, vegetarian, all along avoiding all processed foods.
I enrolled in the Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN), where I learned over 100 dietary theories. About 4 months into the course, I learned about the elimination diet and discovered the root cause of my pain and the inability to eat most foods. And that was a gluten intolerance.

As a type 2 diabetic, in hindsight, I saw how my past diet lacked many of the foods nourishing my body. So I completed a 6 month course in Health Gut Therapy also through IIN.

I then took Dr. Rita Marie's 3-month program, “Sweet Spot Solution”, where I finally put my diabetes into remission.

I was then introduced to Dr. Joan Ifland's science-based program and never looked back.
Having struggled with emotional eating, cravings, and binge eating, I have combined my healing process along with the ARC to bring hope and freedom to those in need.

My mission is to be authentic in everything I do by honoring and empowering myself and others. I'm here to uplift you and help motivate you to take positive steps, sharing this journey together.

Are you in?

Cathy Dickson

Ordained Minister, BA Health & Social Sciences, Certified Nutritional Advisor specializing in Keto-Carnivore lifestyles

As a mother, grandmother, minister, and food addict. The ARC has become a place of safety and inner growth for me. There is so much to learn and support you on your recovery road. The science is thorough but doesn’t stand alone, it’s coupled with a synergistic strength of community. Addiction likes to isolate but recovery flourishes in a strong, healthy community and that’s the gem of success behind the ARC. 

In the ARC you’ll discover the roots of food addiction and why this is not your fault. You’ll change the way you think and exchange old neuro-pathways for new, recovery neuro-pathways. The resources, caring and supportive hosts, personalized guidance, carefully crafted ARC exercises and ongoing skill development all contribute to the success of the Concierge Services and the ARC Community.

Here we recognize the complexities of each individual and help you to tailor a food plan that perfectly works with your body. Learning how to eat those nutritious foods on your food plan and how to leave the world of processed foods requires skill, not just white-knuckling, which we’re all too familiar with. Only 20% of recovery is the food, and the other 80% is everything else.

Currently, I work in the ARC as a FARA Advocate and would love to guide and support you on your journey to conquering this stranglehold of food addiction. 

It’s time to let go of the weights in your (Spirit, Soul (mind, will, emotions and Body) that have held you back. If you’re willing, I’m willing to be there for you on this journey.  Let’s make this happen, let’s get on the road to recovery and beat Processed Food Addiction together!!!

Click Here To Watch Cathy's Video