The incredible thrill of
saving another's life

Most people will live out their lives without knowing the thrill of saving another person’s life.  When people think about saving lives, they envision pulling people out of cars, fires, collapsed buildings, deep wells, floods, maybe administering CPR to heart-attack victims, or rushing an accident victim to the hospital.  But the most common cause of preventable death today is diet-related disease, i.e. the compulsion to eat processed foods even in the face of diet-related death.  Instead of executing a dramatic rescue from a disaster, we are faced with rescuing loved ones from the slow, painful suffering of diabetes, heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s, and complications of obesity.


The most daring rescues of today are being made by people who are trained to lead others away from the compulsion for processed foods.  These people know how to talk to victims of processed food addiction in such a way that the addicted person builds confidence, skills, and strengths to the point where they can resist helpless reactions to food pushers, vending machines, workplace foods, and fast food outlets.  The thrill of a Food Addiction Recovery Advocate (FARA) with the FARA Certification comes from listening to a loved one report that they walked past a sweet without wanting one.  The thrill comes from a loved one bringing home a normal blood work report showing diet-related diseases in full remission.  The thrill comes from watching dear colleagues celebrate being taken off yet another medication. 




On the first day of FARA training, people fill up with the pleasure and pride that comes with moving into the most satisfying career of all: a FARA of an Addiction Reset Community.  It takes time but trainees eventually see the true nature of their role.  They become powerful heroes as they acquire the skills needed to bring another person out of the misery and pain of addiction to processed foods.


Regardless of what you've been told about your background, The Food Addiction Recovery Advocate (FARA) training sees and values your suffering with food


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