Training in Food Addiction Recovery

Reading the Processed Food Addiction textbook alone does not prepare someone to take another person through the long process of recovery from processed food addiction.  Peer support in recovery is the process of offering an addicted person many small steps forward over multiple years. Becoming skilled in peer support means you gain many crucial abilities that could make all the difference in helping another person regain their vibrancy. Becoming a trained Food Addiction Recovery Advocate (FARA) means you have the skills and confidence to adopt the right encouraging, compassionate tone with someone who is suffering.


What are some of the skills people learn in the training? Why couldn’t you do this on your own? 

Being able to break through a deep-seated addiction requires skills such as a compassionate tone of voice, incredible patience, and being able to explain why automatic programmed eating controls us even when we don’t want it to.

Being an FARA is meaningful as trainees get practice in subtle, nuanced support techniques that can not be acquired through book study. 

  • It means offering focused encouragement daily.  
  • It means pointing out progress where the recovering person may not see any.  
  • It means coming up with creative options for moving past seemingly impossible barriers.  
  • It means creating space where people with a lifetime of failures can get used to being successful. 
  • It means teaching the science so people understand why they’re doing what they’re doing and why recovery works. 


Does this happen on a one-on-one basis?  

The science shows this process needs to take place in a group in order to take advantage of our natural conformance drive. Following the example of a group is one of the most powerful forces for changing behavior. 

The FARA training prepares people to run online communities.  It creates an incredibly satisfying part-time job in an environment that protects your recovery and generates income.


50% Complete

Two Step

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